Weekly Wednesday Webinar on Selenium & Sauce Labs

I’ve been working at Sauce Labs for a while now, helping enterprise users build test automation frameworks and implement continuous integration using Selenium & Sauce Labs.

In order to reach a larger audience — and to learn more about people’s challenges developing test automation — I’m going to be hosting a weekly webinar on using Selenium with Sauce Labs for test automation.

So, starting this week, each Wednesday during lunch (12:30pm Mountain Time) I’ll host a webinar / office hours.  I’ll begin with a brief presentation introducing the topic, followed by a demo (live coding — what could go wrong?), and then open it up for questions & comments.

The first webinar will be tomorrow at 12:30pm MST.  The topic is DesiredCapabilities.

I’ll talk about what desired capabilities are, how to use desired capabilities with Sauce Labs, and show how you can use the  Sauce Labs platform configurator to generate desired capabilities.  I’ll also talk about Sauce Labs specific capabilities used to report on tests and builds.

Register on EventBrite here: Selenium & Sauce Labs Webinar: Desired Capabilities

Join the WebEx directly: Selenium & Sauce Labs Webinar: Desired Capabilities

Contact me if you’d like a calendar invite or more info.